6 Owner Financing Tips For Sellers In San Diego

If you’re thinking of selling your house using owner financing, make sure you read this blog post to learn the 6 owner financing tips for sellers in San Diego… There are many ways to sell your house. You could list it on the market and see what sellers will pay. You could work with a … Continued

What happens when you inherit a house in California?

Inheriting a house is one of the few big surprises that life brings us sometimes. But what happens when you inherit a house in California? As much as you may want to keep an inherited house, sometimes you may be forced to consider putting it up for sale. Well, selling an inherited house can be … Continued

5 Benefits of Selling Your House for Cash in San Diego

Selling your house in San Diego? Don’t want to pay commission but not interested in listing yourself? Why not examine the method of selling directly? There are a significant number of pros to consider. If you’ve never really explored working with a professional buyer, you may be surprised to learn why so many choose this … Continued

5 Signs of a Bad San Diego Real Estate Agent

Overwhelmingly, real estate agents honorably perform their professional duties. However, sellers like you are just one of many when an agent focuses on the almighty dollar instead of fulfilling their fiduciary duty to you. Read on to discover five of the signs of a bad San Diego real estate agent. Trust A fiduciary relationship in … Continued

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